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Remember 2 Things

Perfect for a quick refresher training with your team, these short videos will give you two key practices that will help you be more effective when it counts.

Course Name Course Description Length
Remember 2 Things: Being a Better Compressor We have learned from decades of cardiac arrest data that there is no clinical priority in cardiac arrest that supersedes high quality, uninterrupted chest compressions. Good technique, good hand position and proper rate are essential as a compressor, but there are a few more things you can do that can be helpful for the whole team. This course will provide the learner with a few additional techniques to aid in becoming a better compressor, and what to prioritize when practicing compressions. 10m
Burn Care Part 1 After watching this video, the viewer will be able to explain why it is important to prevent hypothermia when treating a burn and why we should not overcool the burned tissue. 5m
Burn Care Part 2 After watching this video, the viewer will be able to explain why it is important to remove all the burn patients jewelry when treating in the field and why any facial burn patient should be considered an airway burn till properly ruled out. 5m
Remember 2 Things: Capnography – Head Injury and Sepsis Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses two patients who may benefit from capnography: the closed head injury patient and the sepsis patient. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Capnography – Seizures and Intoxicated Patients In this episode of Remember 2 Things host, Steve Whitehead, discusses two specific circumstances where capnography can be extremely useful. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Defibrillation With Less Hands Off The Chest Time One of the best things about pit crew CPR is that it’s proven to improve survival without anything more than refining our current practices to focus on the most important aspects of cardiac arrest care. There are two mistakes we consistently make when using a manual defibrillator that can both cause significant delays in compressions. Uninterrupted high-quality compressions are the cornerstone of a successful resuscitation and anything we can do to reduce pauses in compressions is going to benefit the patient. This course will provide you with ways to prioritize CPR, with less hands off the chest time, while using a manual defibrillator. 10m
Pregnant Mothers and Trauma In this Remember 2 Things video, it will explain why fetal trauma cannot be ruled out in the field and why pregnant women can bleed significantly without showing signs. 5m
Pre-hospital Delivery (baby): When to Transport After watching this, you will be able to explain what to consider when deciding to deliver at home or enroute to the hospital. And explain why it is not recommended that you wait on the scene for the placenta to deliver. 5m
Remember 2 Things: Advanced Cardiac Monitors This course details the EMT level skills that can be performed with an advanced cardiac monitor. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Aggressive EMS Treatment of Sepsis Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses two EMS interventions for patients with moderate or severe sepsis. Whitehead shares the importance of aggressive fluid administration and early hospital notification to improve a patient’s outcome. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Awareness During CPR This course provides ways to recognize and manage patient awareness during CPR. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Becoming a Critical Care Paramedic Considering becoming a critical care paramedic? Steve Whitehead discusses two things to take into account when doing so. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Becoming a Critical Care Paramedic 2 Steve Whitehead gives the viewer two reasons to pursue critical care paramedic training. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Bleeding Control This course covers the indications and uses of two important bleeding control methods: tourniquets and hemostatic dressing. 10m
Remember 2 Things: BVM Technique This course demonstrates several techniques for good BVM technique. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Children with Complex Special Needs In this episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead discusses how EMS providers should manage a special needs pediatric patient and gives tips on how to lower stress level on these calls. 15m
Remember 2 Things: Closed Looped Communication This short video explains the importance of delivering clear and concise messages using closed-loop communication strategies. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Debunking Obstetrical Practices We learn several hard and fast rules that we carry with us in the field. In this Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead debunks two common obstetrical practices. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Deciding When an Asthma Patient Needs Advanced Care In this episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead discusses the important factors to be aware of when deciding to use advanced care on an asthma patient. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Disaster Medical Teams A strong disaster medical team must entail certain aspects in order to have high performance. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Disaster Response In this episode, we will discuss how to navigate a disaster scene. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Effectively Transferring Handoff Reports This course examines how to recognize the components of an effective medical hand-off report. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Employee Turnover In this video, Steve Whitehead discusses the who as well as the why is important in turnover. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy Part 1 In this first part episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead discusses the importance of advancing the EMS field, including starting advocacy groups right where you are and understanding that not everyone can help. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy Part 2 In the second part episode of Remember 2 Things: Advocacy, Steve Whitehead discusses the importance of patience and resiliency in the EMS field, especially when it comes to career advocacy. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy Part 3 In the third part episode of Remember 2 Things: EMS Advocacy, Steve Whitehead discusses two good places for jumping into EMS Advocacy, including an EMS Day on the Hill and state EMS associations. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EMS in Remote Environments This course explores the jurisdiction and protocol for EMS in non-traditional settings like wildland fires, disaster medicine, and clinical environments. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EMS Related PTSD Coping Mechanisms This course examines how to recognize healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with post-traumatic stress. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Essentials for Effective Patient Transfer In this video, Steve Whitehead discusses what type environments are conducive to successful patient transfers. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EVOC at Intersections As you may know, most emergency vehicle accidents happen at intersections. As first responders, it is critical that we know how to navigate intersections safely during an emergent situation. In this course, we’ll discuss some preemptive techniques to ensure the safety of you and other drivers while passing through an intersection. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EVOC Common Mistakes Driving a vehicle emergent is one of the single most dangerous things you do as a part of emergency services. And, if you work in a 911 system, you’re likely to be doing it every single day. 68% of emergency vehicle accidents happen with the sirens and lights operating, which is why it is critical that you know how to drive safely during an emergent situation. In this course, we’ll discuss some common mistakes made during emergency vehicle operations, and how you can ensure that those mistakes are avoided. 10m
Remember 2 Things: EVOC – Shut off Siren and Roll Down Window In this video, you’ll learn two things about improving safety while operating emergent. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Exit Interviews and Employee Retention In this short video, Steve Whitehead discusses how exit interviews are not valid and how to actually retain employees. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Expanding your Protocols This course explains two ways to be effective when requesting protocol changes. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Glucometers Technology This remember two things episode describes the Glucometers technology and the advantages of reading the equipment manual. 10m
Remember 2 Things: High Performance Disaster Response Teams In this episode of Remember 2 Things, Steve Whitehead describes two or more aspects of a robust disaster medical team. 10m
Remember 2 Things: How to Begin and End a Handoff Report This course focuses on recognizing how to begin and end an effective medical hand-off report. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Improving Communication During Cardiac Arrest Calls In this episode of Remember 2 Things, we’ll discuss two tips for managing a patient in cardiac arrest. Calm and clear communication is critical for a smooth, efficient incident. It is also critical to understand the importance of communicating what is coming next to the patient care team. 15m
Remember 2 Things: Improving Patient Handoff Reports This course explores ways to improve patient handoff reports. 10m
Remember 2 Things: IO Lines Driver Slow Down This episode of Remember Two Things will concentrate the most common reason for driver slowdown. 10m
Remember 2 Things: IO Lines Needle Selection This remember 2 things segment will concentrate on choosing the correct IO needle type for a given patient. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Large MCI Radio Communications Have you ever been to an after-action review for a large-scale event and communications was not a critical factor? When it comes to large events, how efficiently we talk to each other on the radio is always crucial to a successful outcome. There are a few best practices in radio communications that come up repeatedly during these reviews. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Lung Sounds This course helps differentiate between good and bad technique for obtaining patient lung sounds. 10m
Remember 2 Things: MCI Staging It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s typically a memorable situation. We’re used to being called to the scene of an emergency, but what if we are called to a stage with other units on a larger MCI or disaster type scene? What’s the etiquette for sitting in staging and waiting? This course will provide the learner with knowledge on the proper etiquette of MCI staging, and how to ensure that you’re ready and alert for whatever assignment comes your way. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Motivated EMS Workforce Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses how to keep employees motivated. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Operating in a Warm Zone Mass casualty incidents are low frequency, high stress events that typically only occur a few times in an EMS career. Adding to the complexity of these events is the surge on active shooter incidents. Active shooter responses call for a different kind of triage and casualty extraction. This course will provide you with ways to work efficiently when operating in a warm zone. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Patient Comfort This course will help you identify several methods to improve patient comfort. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Pit Crew Techniques – Defib Pads Pit crew CPR has dramatic and measurable effects on patient outcomes. Simply learning how to run a cardiac arrest with maximum efficiency has been proven to save lives. In the past, placing defibrillation pads on the patient’s chest was seen as an acceptable delay in compressions. Now we’re realizing that absolutely nothing should delay or interrupt compressions unnecessarily. In this course, the learner will observe new techniques to get defibrillator pads on the patient’s chest faster and better than before. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Pit Crew Techniques – Not Pausing Compressions Sometimes when we talk about pit crew CPR techniques and reducing interruptions in compressions we get focused on how we can refine our technique with a manual defibrillator to reduce that hands-off-the-chest time, but we don’t always consider our EMT providers who may be using an AED. Some may believe that AEDS need a lot of time to analyze and shock, and that there’s really nothing we can do but sit there and watch. There are actually two periods when you can continue CPR while using an AED that we don’t always take advantage of. This course will provide you with some common delays in compressions while using an AED, and give you the techniques to avoid them. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Pleural Decompression Tips In this video, you’ll learn two things about pleural decompression. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Proper Emergency Care This course covers the scope of practice and the standard of care. It will help you to recognize different factors that identify proper EMS care. 10m
Remember 2 Things: PTSD How to Talk About Calls This course explains the differences between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with post-traumatic stress. 10m
Remember 2 Things: PTSD Negative Coping Mechanisms This course will help you differentiate between healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with post-traumatic stress. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Pulse Oximetry False Readings This course examines how to recognize conditions that may cause false readings on a pulse oximeter. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Quality Assurance Review This course helps recognize attitudes and behaviors to improve learning during quality performance reviews. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Quality Assurance Review #2 This course is a continuation of recognizing attitudes and behaviors to improve learning during quality performance reviews. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Radio Communications on Repeaters If your radio communications are like most in EMS, you deliver most of your radio traffic over a repeated radio channel. That has some excellent advantages, but it also can lend itself to some common problems. In this episode of Remember 2 Things, we will discuss how to avoid common issues with repeated channels. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Radio / Phone Communication #1 This course differentiates between good and poor radio practices for effective communications. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Radio / Phone Communication #2 This course continues the conversation about good and poor radio practices for effective communications. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Radio Communications 3 Some folks are just known for having poor radio etiquette. They crash the channel in the middle of other traffic, they key up accidentally and they can never seem to get a clean signal and have to repeat themselves over and over. In this lesson, we will teach you two ways to make sure you are not that person. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Reducing Hands Off The Chest Time The goal of pit crew CPR is to teach providers to focus on what’s most important and refine their current techniques. As our cardiac arrest management has shifted to continuous high-quality compressions, we’ve also shifted our focus to changing out the compressor more often. We now know that even our strongest, fittest providers begin to lose form after 200 compressions and by 300 compressions our effectiveness at chest compressions have dropped significantly. Compressors need to switch about every two minutes or 200 compressions. With that, there is potential for time delays in compressions. This course will provide the learner with some techniques to avoid those delays when switching compressors. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Scope of Practice This course details how EMT level providers utilize the advanced cardiac monitor. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Social Media Warnings This single video course Identifies high-risk behaviors on social media that may violate professional and legal boundaries. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Social Media Warnings Frequent Trouble This single video course explores the types of social media postings that should be avoided to maintain a professional business profile. 10m
Remember 2 Things: The After Effects of a Disaster Response This video discusses the short and long-term psychological effects of a disaster response. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Treating Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a challenging patient presentation. Learn two signs to identify a life-threatening allergic reaction that demands aggressive treatment. If a patient has airway compromise, upper or lower, or signs of shock immediately treat with epinephrine and other protocol-authorized interventions. 5m
Remember 2 Things: Two Tips for Pleural Decompression Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead focuses on two ways to improve pleural decompression. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Understanding Closed Loop Learn to communicate more effectively by closing the radio communication loop. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Understanding Stroke Centers This course describes the functional differences between primary and comprehensive stroke centers. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Using a Nasal Cannula In this video, you’ll learn two things about when nasal cannula should be used in favor of the patient. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Using Lay Providers in Disaster Situations When resources are limited in disaster responses, Steve Whitehead suggests recruiting laypersons for help. 10m
Remember 2 Things: When Reports Go Bad This course identifies several methods for correcting a badly delivered hand-off report. 10m
Remember 2 Things: Workplace Incentives In this video, Steve Whitehead discusses an incentive that does not motivate and one that does. 10m
Remember 2 Things:IO Lines Pharmokinetics In this episode of remember two things we will discuss the differences between a standard IV line and an intraosseous line. 10m
Remember 2 Things-Performance Reviews Remember 2 Things host Steve Whitehead discusses how to better use performance reviews. 10m

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